Monday, 26 March 2012

Musing Mondays #8

This meme is hosted by Should be Reading.

Every week a new 'musing' question is posted by the host for all participants to answer in their own posts.

This week's musing is:

Have you ever found a book out of the blue, read it, and then had it be surprisingly good — one that stuck with you for years? If so, what book was it?
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 Back when Pen to Paper was still a fledgling blog, I had just signed up for Netgalley, and this was the first book I ever requested. I was literally just looking through the recent titles, and I stumbled across it and thought it looked fairly good - like my kind of thing - so hopefully it would be good.
I became absolutely addicted to it!
My first author interview for the blog was also Jus Accardo, author of this book (and you can read that interview HERE). She's a really wonderful lady, so it's worth a read (both interview and the book of course).
This is a really great, unique, YA Paranormal/Fantasy novel, and I really recommend it to anyone who is a fan of these genres, but urge others to try it as well.

The second in the series, Toxic, will be out in the Summer and I can't wait to read it. I should be getting a review copy of it from the publishers again, along with a copy of the short story, Untouched, which is published in around May, I think. Definitely keep your eyes peeled for them! You won't be disappointed!


LibrarySnake said...

Sounds like a great read :)

Kwizgiver said...

I'm going to ask my students if they've read the books you mentioned. Touch sounds really interesting.

Tia Bach said...

This sounds like a great one. Never heard of it, but I'm adding it to my TBR pile.

My MM:

Laura Armstrong said...

Love your answer!

I haven't read Touch, but now I'm intrigued!! My first NetGalley pick was Cinder - and although I didn't get an author-interview, I still feel pretty possessive of it. :-D

techeditor said...

We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families by Philip Gourevitch

I noticed the book shelved at the library and was intrigued by the title

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