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by Philip Pullman
Goodreads synopsis:
In this beautiful book of classic fairy tales, award-winning author Philip Pullman has chosen his fifty favourite stories from the Brothers Grimm and presents them in a'clear as water' retelling, in his unique and brilliant voice.
From the quests and romance of classics such as 'Rapunzel', 'Snow White' and 'Cinderella' to the danger and wit of such lesser-known tales as 'The Three Snake Leaves', 'Hans-my-Hedgehog' and 'Godfather Death', Pullman brings the heart of each timeless tale to the fore, following with a brief but fascinating commentary on the story's background and history. In his introduction, he discusses how these stories have lasted so long, and become part of our collective storytelling imagination.
These new versions show the adventures at their most lucid and engaging yet. Pullman's Grimm Tales of wicked wives, brave children and villainous kings will have you reading, reading aloud and rereading them for many years to come.
Last year, at University, I studied a module called 'Children's Fiction'. Obviously we studied Fairy Tales, including those of the Brothers Grimm, at some length, and I discovered that I enjoyed them more now, than I ever did as a child. For whatever reason, they just didn't hold my attention all that much, when I was young, but I really loved reading them from a critical and analytical point of view, and this made them much more interesting to me (particularly when compared to modern children's fiction).
The Brothers Grimm did not create these tales (they may have created a couple I guess, but none that I've heard of) - the fairy tales are written re-tellings of oral tales, told by peasants for centuries before they were written down (again, not by the Brothers Grimm, but by others before them).
I love this tradition of taking a known tale, and re-writing and re-working it, for a new generation, and I can't wait to see what twist Philip Pullman has put on each of the tales.
I'm a huge fan of His Dark Materials, so I'm hoping that I will love his fairy tale re-workings just as much!

I had this book on one of my wishlist wednesday posts a few weeks ago. It looks like such an amazing book and the cover is beautiful. I love fairy tales so I will definitely be buying this book in the next few weeks and the price on amazon for a hardback isn't too bad either. I just love fairy tales and I also love learning about the origins of the tales and the more depressing tales before some were disney-fied. This is a must buy book for me and I hope you get your hands on a copy soon :) Also, a children's fiction module in uni sounds great!
Becca @ Lost in Thought
I love stories based on the Grimm Fairy Tales. And Phillip Pullman is amazing.
SUCH A GREAT CHOICE! Seriously, Phillip Pullman's books are some of my favorites, and the Grimm stories have been my favorite bed time stories since childhood. I cannot express how much I want to consume this book.
Sarcasm & Lemons
This one sounds really interesting! I haven't read any of Phillip Pullman's books, but want to check them out.
My WW!
Okay- I love Phillip Pullman and I love fairytales, why haven't I ever heard of this book before?!
Great choice! I want to check it out now :D
I loved Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials, so I hope this one is fabulous!
Here's my WLW:
I love fairytales! Thanks so much hosting this :)
I love that cover! I have the complete book of Grimm fairytales and it has a neat cover too but this one is definitely better.
We have the same WW! :D Great book! I hope we both get it very soon. :)
Great choice! I pre-ordered this a while back, the second I heard of it. I love Philip Pullman, and can't wait to see his take on fairy tales.
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